Sarim Ashrafi is the founder and editor-in-chief of Islamic Chronicles.
In this article, we’ll look at the chronological biography of Prophet Muhammad.
570 CE
Prophet Muhammad was born in Makkah (Mecca).
575-76 CE
The custody of the Prophet returned to Amina from Halima of Banu Sa’ad.
576 CE
Prophet’s mother, Amina bint Wahb, passed away at a place called Abwa when he was 6.
578 CE
Prophet’s grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib, passed away when the former was 8. The responsibility of the Prophet’s upbringing now fell to his uncle Abu Talib.
582 CE
At the age of 12, the Prophet went on a trading journey to Syria with his uncle Abu Talib and encountered a monk named Bahira, who reportedly predicted his future prophethood.
590-91 CE
The Prophet helped form a committee called Hilf al-Fadhul intending to establish peace and order among the different tribes of Makkah (Mecca).
595 CE
At the age of 25, the Prophet married a 40-year-old woman named Khadijah. Khadijah was a widow and a wealthy businesswoman.
605 CE
The Prophet solved the dispute of placing Hajr Aswad (black stone) at Ka’aba.
610 CE
The Prophet Muhammad received the Quran’s first revelation in Mecca and began to preach two years later.
615 CE
Relations between the Meccan establishment and Muhammad’s converts deteriorated; there was persecution and Muhammad’s position became increasingly untenable in Mecca.
615-16 CE
The Muslims started the migration to Abyssinia. 11 men and 4 women, including Uthman and his wife, set out for Abyssinia.
616 CE
Prophet’s uncle Hamza and Umar bin al-Khattab embraced Islam. Their conversion strengthened the Muslim community massively.
617 CE
The Quraysh proclaimed a total boycott of the Muslims. The Prophet and his followers were compelled to retire into a secluded quarter of the city known as Shib Abi Talib. This continued for 3 years.
619-20 CE
Hardly the ban was lifted, Prophet lost his wife Khadija. The same year, his uncle, Abu Talib also passed away.
620 CE
The Prophet turned towards Taif to preach his message. But he faced hostility when he was returning to Mecca.
620 CE
About six Arabs from the settlement of Yathrib (later called Medina) made contact with Muhammad and invited him to lead their community.
621 CE
10 men from Khazraj and 2 men from Aws came to acknowledge Muhammad as their Prophet at Aqabah, 5km from Makkah. This was the first pledge of al-Aqabah.
621 CE
Isra’ and Mi’raj happened.
622 CE
After the first pledge, now 73 people from Yathrib came to Makkah and offered their oath of allegiance to the Prophet. They pledged to help and protect the Prophet and invited him to their city.
622 CE
The Prophet together with some seventy Muslim families made the hijrah, or migration, from Mecca to Medina. As a result, the Quraysh of Makkah vowed revenge. The hijrah marked the beginning of the Muslim era/calendar.
13 March 624 CE
Muslims inflicted a stunning defeat on the Quraysh of Mecca at the Battle of Badr.
625 CE
Muslims suffered a severe defeat at the hands of the Meccan army at the Battle of Uhud, outside Medina. The Jewish tribes of Qaynuqah and Nadir are expelled from Medina for collaborating with the Quraysh of Mecca.
627 CE
Muslims defeated the Meccan army at the Battle of the Trench (Khandaq).
628 CE
Muhammad’s daring peace initiative resulted in the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah between Mecca and Medina. He was now seen as the most powerful man in Arabia and attracted many of the Arabian tribes into his confederacy.
April 628 CE
The battle of Khaybar took place. Ali bin Abu Talib conquered the Qamus fort and killed Marhab ibn al-Harith.
September 629 CE
The Battle of Mutah took place. Muslims lost the battle. Zayd ibn Haritha and Ja’far ibn Abi Talib were martyred in the battle. Khalid bin Walid retreated with the remaining army.
1 January 630 CE
When the Quraysh violated the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, the Prophet advanced upon Makkah with an army of 10,000 men. The Quraysh recognised their defeat and voluntarily opened the gates to the Prophet.
11 January 630 CE
The Prophet of Islam finally conquered the Holy City of Makkah after a long Muslim-Quraysh rivalry. The Prophet took the city without bloodshed and without forcing anybody to convert to Islam.
630 CE
The Battle of Hunayn occurred against tribes like Qays, Thaqif, Hawazin etc. Muslims won the battle.
26 October 630 CE
After hearing about a Byzantine invasion of Medina led by emperor Heraclius, the Prophet Muhammad set out on his last campaign for Tabuk.
February 632 CE
The Prophet performed the Farewell Pilgrimage. About 100,000 companions accompanied him on this journey.
8 June 632 CE
Prophet Muhammad passed away.
Last updated on February 4th, 2025 at 01:00 pm

Sarim Ashrafi is the founder and editor-in-chief of Islamic Chronicles.