(30 November) During the Battle of Sinop (Crimean War), in the early morning, six Russian…
(25 November) The Battle of Montgisard ended with the Crusaders’ victory.
(19 November) A 4-day-long Battle of Qadissiyah ended with the victory of the Rashidun Caliphate…
(2 November) The Seljuq Sultan of Rum Kaykaus I began the Siege of Sinope, then held…
(31 October) The Holy Ka’bah was burned down during the Umayyad Siege of Makkah by…
(15 October) The Ottoman forces under the personal command of Suleiman the Magnificent withdrew the Siege…
(13 October) The 5th ruler of the Slave (Mamluk) dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate, Razia Sultana…
(7 October) Hemu defeated the Mughal forces in the Battle of Tughlaqabad.
(6 October) The Mughal armies annexed Kashmir to their empire. The whole of Kashmir, including…